Thursday, April 23, 2015

Part 2: Chapters 10-19 Question 40

Why are all the beakers and tubes made out of plastic?


  1. The use of glass objects in the hot zone are extremely dangerous because of the risk of breaking/ cracking the object. Glass splinters if an object broke was a risk that led scientists to lower the amount of glass objects in their labs, especially here, in the hot zone. Glass objects also can make the scientist accidentally spill the level 4 hot agent and because of this, "Slides and blood tubes were the only glass objects allowed in a hot zone" (Preston 256). Slides and blood tubes are necessary for the samples of specific blood that need to be made of glass because even if it wasn't glass, they need to be extremely careful with the blood so it does not make so much of a difference if it is glass because they will still be cautious about it. The rest of the materials do not need to be glass which is why they are made of plastic. The risk of cutting skin if glass were to break is extremely high in these types of occasions in labs. Every material needs to be held with caution but just to be safe, the material used is made of plastic mostly because it does not make a difference wether it is glass or plastic but instead, it is helpful and prevents further conflicts with glass.

    1. Hi Bryan, can plastic be sterilized as well as glass can be in a laboratory setting?

    2. Hi Bryan, can plastic be sterilized as well as glass can be in a laboratory setting?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. As Bryan explained, the removal of glass objects decreased the risks of damage that the glass can create if broken or cracked. The replacement of plastic materials makes the scientist's job easier so they won't be so worried about dropping it or causing an incident. Beakers and tubes are not really necessary in the way that they need to be glass, which is why it is not a big deal to exchange it with plastic. Scientists seem to have a lot of complications when it comes to dealing with objects such as beakers because they need to constantly be carrying them across the lab and that increases the risks of them dropping the glass and cutting themselves or a specimen they are working with. Bryan also mentioned that it can only affect the scientists but if a glass beaker was to contain an important material and it were to fall, then they can be losing important elements in their experiments. The swapping between glass to plastic overall has benefitted scientists and their work.
