Thursday, April 23, 2015

Part 2: Chapters 10-19 Question 2

What are the characteristics of the crab-eating macaque species of monkey? Can you find
a picture? Why are they described as competitors of humans in their natural environment?


  1. The carb-eating macaque species of monkeys live along rivers and in mangroves swamps in Southeast Asia. They are usually used in laboratories because they are easy to get and can be obtained for a fairly cheap price also. Their characteristics include a “long, whiplike tail, whitish fur on the chest and cream-colored fur on the back” (Preston 160). The monkeys also have a snout similar to a dog and “exceedingly sharp canine teeth, able to rip flesh easily” (Preston 161). Their hands resemble human hands including a thumb and fingers with fingernails. Another characteristic that resembles humans is that the female monkeys have two breasts on their upper chest with nipples. When I researched the macaque monkey, I did find a picture. These monkeys like to compete with humans in the natural environment. They don't like humans and they have a competitive relationship with people who live in the rain forest. They can sense when a human is near and will be ready to move out as soon as a human comes near. For example, they will “pull off an eggplant raid on a farmer’s field” (Preston 161) and then set off quickly just as the farmer comes with his shotgun. A macaque monkey will also stare down a human that is looking back at it. If a human stares at a dominant male in a cage, the monkey will “rush to the font of the cage, staring back, and will become exceedingly angry” (Preston 163). These monkeys are ready to attack at anytime.

    1. In addition to what Nishrat has written, crab-eating macaque has a long tail which is the size of its body. Their tails also provide balance to their body. They vary in color from light brown to grayish brown fur that covers their legs and arms. They are very sociable and live in groups of about 5 to 60 individuals. They have sharp nails and fingers and toes to help them grip on to things. They also have human life hands. They do not only eat crabs but half of their diet is made up of fruits, nuts and seeds. Since they look similar to humans they are our competitors because they eat the same types of foods as we do.
      Crab-Eating Macaque. (n.d.). Retrieved May 17, 2015, from
