Thursday, April 23, 2015

Part 2: Chapters 10-19 Question 31

Why was Dalgard so afraid of Peters and of letting outsiders into the monkey house?

1 comment:

  1. Dalgard refused to let Peters into the monkey house until he actually met him and knew who he was and background about his experience with this type of work. Dalgard has worked with monkey diseases but he did not know if Peter had the same experience as he did. When Volt gave Dalgard the news about the caretaker in the monkey house being sick with the Ebola virus, Dalgard felt traumatize since he did not know much about the virus even though he had worked with monkey disease for a long time. The incident led Dalgard to be stricter on who to let in the monkey house and wrote in his diary: "All operations other than feeding, observation and cleaning were to be suspended" (Preston 240). Dalgard knew now that he needed to pay more attention on the case because he did not know what kind of virus or disease he was dealing with. Peters was well trained and to prevent any other complications with the virus, he first wanted to experiment with it to have more knowledge before more people got infected. Dalgard was cautious about letting people in the monkey house and he was still kind of worried of letting caretakers go in to feed and treat the monkeys. Preston explains that Dalgard never worried about his work now because of his experience but after what he heard about Ebola, he knew that this virus was not like any other, so the only thing to do now was to be cautious about the protection of others.
