Thursday, April 23, 2015

Part 2: Chapters 10-19 Question 21

What did the evidence from monkey 053’s cells show?


  1. Monkey O53 was a monkey that died due to the unknown virus going around in Room F. During the examination of this money, Dalgard found out that its spleen was “huge, hard, and dry” (Preston 172). He took a piece of the hardened spleen and swabbed the monkey’s throat which he then put in a test tube full of distilled water. Dalgard believed that the dying monkeys had simian hemorrhagic fever which was “harmless to humans, lethal to monkeys” (Preston 178). Simian hemorrhagic fever is a “positive-sense RNA genome” (Chapman 2011) that was originally found in Patas monkeys. Dalgard sent a sample of the monkeys’ spleen to Jahrling where his team set up plenty of flasks with bloody spleen mush and living liver cells from a monkey. After a few days of letting the virus cultures grow, the technicians looked and saw that the cells were “unrecognizably sick [and] the fluid was milky with dead cells” (Preston 184). Tom analyzed the sample with his electron microscope and saw that the cells weren’t just dead but they were destroyed and “crawling with worms” (Preston 195) that looked like ropes. These rope like feature were only found to be a filovirus. He came to the conclusion that the cells were dying due to Marburg, but before he freaked out and told his boss he had to make sure. He took negatives of the cells and then realized that the virus had grown inside the cell and crystalloids began to appear but as they grew outward and would distort the cells which would then burst. After telling C.J. about the virus, Tom wanted to make sure the virus was multiplying in the Reston monkeys. Tom sliced some pieces of monkeys O53’s liver and was definite that there wasn’t a laboratory contamination. The liver cells were full of inclusion bodies and the liver was being transformed in “crystal bricks” (Preston 212). But later after analyzing monkey blood samples mixed with Marburg, Ebola Sudan and Ebola Zaire, the team of men concluded that the monkeys weren’t dying from Marburg but from Ebola Zaire.

    1. Hi Cassandra, what would be worse? If the monkey had died of Marburg or if the monkey had died of Ebola Zaire?
