Thursday, April 23, 2015

Part 2: Chapters 10-19 Question 3

Why can’t you do an autopsy of a monkey in front of other monkeys? What does this tell you about advanced animal behavior in this species?


  1. Preforming an autopsy of a monkey in front of other monkeys would “cause a riot” (Preston 169). Monkeys are a vigilant species; they often rush to humans, “wanting to take [them] out” (Preston 167) so their behavior toward other monkeys might seem hostile as well. However monkeys have this deeper feeling and connection toward their own species such as humans have toward other humans. Seeing another monkey being cut open right in front of them would cause a feeling of disrespect and anger spark within them often causing them to lash out or scream. This behavior is somewhat similar to human behavior. One person would feel slightly or more so very uncomfortable to see another human being cut open in front of them. It makes someone feel like the other person isn't really being cared for. This behavior from the monkeys explains their advancement within this species alone. They are so advanced to understand when their own species is being wrongly used or mistreated. They understand what is happening before them and that upsets them immensely. With that feelings come the riots and protests from the monkeys to stop any other mistreatment to continue any further. Their advanced behavior is more so similar to ours which is interesting and alarming because we don't know what other things these species are capable of doing.

    1. In addition to Nishrat’s post, the monkeys will become very upset and afraid when they’ll witness another monkey’s autopsy in front of them. Due to this they will make it very difficult for you to work with them because they’ll be afraid of you. It can even cause a riot because these monkeys share a special bond with each other and they will also begin to mourn. Just like in humans, if we witness someone to close to us being treated badly we tend to go into an emotional stress. If we can’t handle such violence then how can we expect them to handle it, they are animals and they need to be treated with respect.

    2. Monkeys are very smart and performing an autopsy in front of other monkeys will give them a sense of danger from a human. They would not let themselves be touched or handled by anyone and would get violent as well. As Nishrat mentioned, humans could also witness these feelings if one were to watch another human being cut open in front of their eyes. Moneys are close to one another and they could obviously tell when one of their kind is being hurt in anyway. That is why an autopsy should not be performed in front of other monkeys so that certain unfortunate events can be ignored.

    3. Hi Nishrat, is this type of behavior specific to only monkeys and humans?


    4. This type of behavior is not just specific to monkeys and humans. It is a behavior that would be present in all organisms because of how the brain works. All species have an interlock with each other, they bond with each other and care. If something was going to go wrong, then you band together as a group to fix it. So performing an autopsy in front of other similar species would get a rather negative reaction from them. It is like putting salt on an open wound purposely; it is bound to sting and hurt just like it hurts animals to see other animals in pain.
